


发生了什么:大会开始了为期两天的会议, 休庭.

WHAT IT MEANS: You’ll recall that lawmakers had scheduled the 9月ember session with expectations that they’d focus on budget adjustments 和 p和emic-related policy. 媒体关注的是所谓的“冠军NC法案,” to provide incentives to bring an undisclosed “sports championship employer” to the state. 当然,还有 冠状病毒救济法案3.0这是一项预算法案,花费了该州剩余的联邦新型冠状病毒肺炎资金. Both bills won approval 和 went to the governor’s desk for signing 和 were still awaiting his determination as of this writing.

准备就绪:第二阶段.随着疫情的持续,该州有5家重新开放. 它在下午5点生效.m. 今天(9月9日星期五. 4). 有什么新鲜的? 你可以在这份公报中找到有关的细节.

瘦子:尽管立法机关“死期未到”——今年已经结束了, 没有其他安排, essentially – there’s a chance that lawmakers could return if Congress sends states more p和emic money to allocate. 请继续阅读本周的更多细节.

​North Carolina lawmakers got back to business this week 和 addressed a League priority in the process in what was a two-day session that sent two bills to the governor to sign, 各种公职的最后任命, 和 休庭"正弦死亡" 这意味着今年没有更多的会议安排. 然而,这种情况可能会改变. 稍后会详细介绍. 本周摆在议员们面前的最大议题是 冠状病毒救济法案3.0, which budgeted the rest of the state’s before-then-unspent p和emic relief money from the federal government, 约10亿美元. Its most news-making attributes included the programming of $335 stimulus checks that will go to households with parents who have children ages 17 or younger, 一种帮助他们支付远程学习费用的方法.

说到这里, 立法委员在法案中提到了365足彩下载会在本届会议上的优先事项, for which we’d like to thank them – making it easier for remote learning programs to start in areas where schools are meeting virtually. The Relief Act created a grant program worth nearly $20 million for qualifying programs (such as a parks 和 rec department or a local YMCA). It also allowed these types of remote learning programs via providers who register with the state’s Department of 健康 和 Human Services 和 follow the same process as other licensed child care facilities.

在法案的其他地方, legislators granted development interests an extension of local development approvals 和 permits – now, any development approval valid from now until 30 day after the rescission of the executive order that declared the p和emic emergency will remain valid for an additional four months beyond its normal expiration date.

政府. 罗伊•库珀 还没有签字 新的冠状病毒救济法案. One of the big arguments that played out in the legislature this week was whether to approve Medicaid expansion in the bill, 这是州长想要的. A 州长库珀的发言人周四说 the administration was pleased with areas of spending in the bill but it “should have exp和ed Medicaid to give 600,000 working people health care 和 done more for struggling small businesses 和 unemployed people….声明最后说,州长“将继续审查该法案”.”

而议员们则“无限期”休会,通常的意思是这一年已经结束了, they could return if the governor calls the them or if two-thirds of them agree to call themselves back. 一种情况是,如果国会批准各州分配更多资金. 本周,全国新闻报道聚焦于 U.S. 财政部长史蒂文·姆努钦敦促国会重启谈判, with apparently less opposition from the administration to the apportionment of more money for state 和 local governments.

北卡罗莱纳议会投票表决, 休会历史上独一无二的立法会议, 以2019冠状病毒病大流行为进程和重点.

Advancing 365体育足彩, NCLM’s virtual update on all matters policy, returns 9月ember 10 at 3 p.m. to provide you with an overview of the full legislative session 和 how actions by state legislators will be affecting North Carolina municipalities. 现在注册.

NCLM的公共 & 政府ernment Affairs staff will provide the update 和 also brief you on the latest regarding local government revenue replacement proposals before Congress. And don’t miss hearing from this year’s legislative recipient of the League’s Community Champion award.

当然,我们会为你的提问预留时间,因为我们会以现场提问结束&一个会话. 我们希望你能参加这次重要的会议!

操场可以开放, 群众聚集的限制增加了, 博物馆和健身房可能会在有限的人数下开放,作为新的“第二期”的一部分.州长公布了全州范围内与流行病相关的政策. 罗伊•库珀. 酒吧在这一阶段仍然关闭,在 第163号行政命令,下午5点生效.m. 9月. 4. 口罩禁令仍然有效. “在家更安全,第二阶段.5 continues our state's dimmer-switch approach to easing some restrictions," the governor explained. "We can do this safely only if we keep doing what we know works -- wearing masks 和 social distancing. 事实上,一个新的阶段正是我们需要更加认真对待这种病毒的时候." 

新闻稿 about the order provides contextual detail 和 data the governor's team used to formulate the new phase. 他们还发布了 幻灯片 并在9月11日的新闻发布会上向公众展示了数字和趋势. 1. 常见问题解答文档 也被释放了吗. 


  • 集会限制将增加到室内25人,室外50人. 
  • 操场将被允许开放. 
  • 博物馆和水族馆的开客率可以达到50%. 
  • 健身和竞技体育设施的开放率将达到30%.
  • All employers in North Carolina are strongly encouraged to provide face coverings to their employees. ​

North Carolina st和s to lose many billions of dollars per its underwhelming response to the 2020 Census, 在向社区分配联邦资金时,哪一个是主要参考点. 现在,距离2020年的裁员行动还有不到一个月的时间. Join the final push to make North Carolina count by adopting a low-responding census tract through N.C. 计数365足彩下载的收养计划. N.C. Counts Coalition invites organizations to adopt a tract to increase self-response rates among historically undercounted populations to ensure a fair 和 accurate census. 这个项目是N的一部分.C. count Coalition的Get-Out-The-Count运动. 奖助金金额将在$1,000至$2,500之间. 我们将考虑最高3500美元的合作提案. 赠款计划最多可支付15万美元. 申请截止日期为9月11日午夜. 8. 看到我们的 2020年人口普查资源页 获取更多资源.

​The p和emic has underlined the need for better quality internet access across North Carolina, 尤其是服务不足的农村地区. Now, media outlets are again reporting on how local partnerships are the key to improvement. A 《365足彩下载》的一篇文章 takes a closer look at real people affected by the lack of reliable internet at their homes 和 jobs, 据报道有500人,000名居民在那个营地. “我认为这是该州许多农村城镇面临的最重要的经济问题,” the newspaper quoted of the League’s Scott Mooneyham on the need for good broadb和 access. A 单独的块 published in the Journal this week looks at studies that reveal how much broadb和 matters to jobs, 收入, 企业选址或搬迁, 公民参与和, 当然, 健康——以及现有的政策是如何损害使命的.

现在大会9月份的会议已经定下来了, we’ll be updating our annual compendium of legislative action relevant to cities 和 towns. 但这 会议结束公告, 它提供了特殊的, digestible context to explain the tone 和 focus of the session along with what happened with each bill we tracked this year, 作为同类文件中最好的参考文件值得您注意吗. 阅读影响2020年立法的特殊考虑. 请参阅引起媒体关注的市政相关立法行动. Review what went into the League's revenue replacement campaign as 新型冠状病毒肺炎 kinked the lines to our coffers. And find summaries 和 statuses of bills the General Assembly considered, whether they passed or not.
